Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Growing Importance of Monetary Policy in Government

Monetary policy is important in decisions the United States government makes about economic practices and regulations, but equally important are the fiscal policies, which government spending and tax reform are geared toward in stimulating the economy. To understand the importance of monetary policy in the equation, one must first understand what the term means. The Economic Times defines monetary policy as the macroeconomic  policy  laid down by the central bank, which manages interest rates, money supply, and functions as the demand side of economic policy to affect inflation, consumption, growth, and liquidity. There is, however, a limit to the amount monetary policy can affect the economy because it hinges upon interest rates and monetary circulation. Once the interest rate hits zero, theres not much more the Federal Reserve can do in terms of monetary policy to help the economy. Fighting Inflation Versus Fighting Unemployment The  U.S. Department of State  argues that one of the key reasons that monetary policy is favorable during financially successful periods of the American economy is that it affects inflation rates positively but is relatively useless in fighting unemployment.   This is because theres a limit to the amount of monetary manipulation the Federal Reserve can do to the global value, or exchange rate, if the U.S. dollar plummets. Monetary policy primarily affects interest rates through control of the amount of currency in circulation (and other factors), so when the interest rate bottoms out at zero percent, theres nothing else a bank can do. If you take a look back at the Great Depression, over 3,000 banks failed during the 1930s—monetary policy meant very little when the value of the dollar had sunk to its lowest rate in history. Instead, fiscal policy and a series of unpopular yet successful economic policies helped America get back on its feet. Fiscal policy opened up new jobs and increased government spending to right the wrong of the market crash. Basically, the United States—or any governing body—can, in times of need, enact aggressive fiscal policy to combat market stagnation. How Monetary Policy Applies Now Because the United States economy has experienced its highest point in the last decade (the 2010s), monetary policy that cuts taxes and increased government spending in business and job-creation markets, especially under former President Barack Obama, has led to a decrease in the unemployment rate and a rapid increase in the United States GDP. Fiscal and monetary policies go hand in hand in the  federal legislature, where annual budgets dictate government spending in certain economy-stimulating areas as well as the creation of jobs through social welfare initiatives. The Federal Reserve annually dictates interest rates, liquidity, and currency circulation, which in turn also stimulate the market. In truth, without either fiscal or monetary policy in United States federal—and indeed local and state—government, the delicate balance of our economy might slip back into another Great Depression. Regulations, therefore, are important to maintaining a status quo across all states wherein each citizen is guaranteed their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Use Of A Personal Identity Versus A Social Identity

The current post-industrialized society’s economy could be described as information and service based, with the most profit being awarded to businesses and individuals who can capitalize on the novel needs of a constantly evolving youth population. Some of the most successful businesses are social media powerhouses, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These business are the ones that are able to change as quickly as their target audiences, with tweaks to application functions being pushed through app stores on mobile devices. This paper will focus on the primarily mobile platform, Instagram, and how it has affected the modern concept of a personal identity versus a social identity. Instagram is an image-based social media platform mainly used by young persons under the age of 34 (Statista). Its launch in 2010 (Geoff) originally offered a relatively simple interface, allowing users to post only perfectly square pictures of a certain size. They eventually expanded to 15 second video clips in 2013 (Taylor), and in 2016 introduced a â€Å"Stories† feature (Bradford), which allows users to post images and videos to a personal â€Å"Story† that disappears after 24 hours have elapsed. These changes and updates came at the request of users, and the observed success of other business models. Because of the post-for-likes nature of the platform, many users feel compelled to gear their posts to certain demographics or populations — they post what they think is going to be mostShow MoreRelatedEriksons Psychological Theory of Identity1181 Words   |  5 PagesEriksons psychological theory of identity is based on a psychosocial model, taking into account the social environment including peers and family group. According to Erikson, individuals form a core identity in part via membership in a community. Erikson understood that psychosocial development was a process, involving a series of stages. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gambling 2 Essay Research Paper GamblingGambling is free essay sample

Gambling 2 Essay, Research Paper Gambling Gambling is a topic that is to a great extent debated. Just as many people oppose it as there are for legalized gaming. There are many pros and cons of chancing. Casinos have been known to make many good things for the community that they are based in, but there are a batch of moral and societal issues at manus. We will discourse the benefits of holding legalized gaming. One of the chief positive things that casinos conveying to their community is their generous fiscal parts. Casinos give big amounts of money to their community every bit good as edifice installations for the community to utilize such as diversion centres. The Chippawaw Indians in Mt. Pleasant have made legion contributions to their community and have improved their reserve dramatically. Another positive thing the casinos do for their communities is occupation gaps. New casinos create 100s and sometimes 1000s of occupations for people of the community and environing communities. We will write a custom essay sample on Gambling 2 Essay Research Paper GamblingGambling is or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Casinos provide their employees with good wage and great benefits. Casinos are good for the economic system in some ways. They can drop unemployment rates in some communities. It can be an alternate to raising revenue enhancements. Casinos conveying more concern to hotels, eating houses, and other such concerns. Casinos can supply a good signifier of amusement. Anyone over the age of 18 can take some money and drama slots, fire hook, jack oak, snake eyess, and other games such as that. Equally long as person doesn T travel overboard with their disbursement, chancing can be a great beginning of amusement. If person was traveling to pass twenty dollars on dinner and a film, they could pass the same sum of money on something such as chancing at a slot machine. They take a opportunity of winning more money that they walked into the casino with but they can besides free the money they walked into the casino with. It all relies on self-denial with one s money. In 1951 this pole was taken: 55 % of the people polled were in favour of legalising such signifiers of chancing such as wagering on races, lotteries, ECT, , , throughout the state. 38 % of the people polled were against legalising these signifiers of chancing. In 1988, the same canvass was taken and 43 % favored legalized gaming and 50 % opposed. In 1992, 64 % favored legalized gaming and 34 % opposed it. As you can see, the popularity of casinos has risen over the old ages, as people become more accepting of different life manners. Overall casino gaming has received changeless, but non overpowering favourable responses from the populace. We feel that legalized chancing will convey many more positive things to their community that negative. Peoples believe that casinos conveying a bad component like the rabble and harlotry, but that is chiefly from the films. Most major metropoliss and some little 1s will hold this job regardless of a casino s presence. Casinos bring overall prosperity to the community and its people.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Kitchen Safety in Nursing Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Kitchen Safety. Answer: The process of human growth and development takes place in a gradual manner because people have to develop from one stage to another. Development scholars have established that the process of human development takes place in different aspects. These include physical, cognitive, social, and psychological. Children between the age of 3 and 5 years have not fully-developed in terms on mental capacity. According to the ideas of Jean Piaget, children in this age bracket falls in the preoperational stage of cognitive development. In this stage, the children cannot think abstractly and logically because they have not fully-developed their cognitive abilities. At the same time, the children tend to be so egocentric because they focus so much on themselves at the expense of others (Catroppa, et al., 2015). The children mainly rely on symbols to interpret their surroundings. This is why the children are fond of playing because it matters a lot to them. This is why we had to be so concerned abo ut their safety. Therefore, what we did is to develop an item that would be used to provide adequate training to the children. We made a chart that contains the information that can be used by the children when playing. In the chart, there are words, drawings and graphic illustrations that are visible enough and can be easily understood and interpreted by the children. The chart is important because it can be used as a safety tool by the children (Patton, et al., 2016). Children at this stage are vulnerable to injuries that must be prevented if appropriate measures are taken. This is what we, as a group, stand for. We are looking forward to creating an injury-free and safe environment for children. References Catroppa, C., et al., (2015). Social and behavioral outcomes: pre-injury to six months following childhood traumatic brain injury. Journal of neurotrauma, 32(2), 109-115. Patton, L.D., et al., (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice. John Wiley Sons: New York.